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Drop off, Pick Up and Parking Procedures at Minimbah
Foundation to Year 6 Students

Arrival: Children from Foundation to Year 6 should arrive at the basketball court from 8:20 am.
Supervision: Staff supervision commences at 8:20 am. Prior to this time, parents are responsible for supervising their children. Children left before 8:20 am will not be supervised.
Parking: The left-hand side of the basketball court acts as a turning circle. Parking is available on the right-hand side; please reverse into a parking space. Additional parking is available on Minimbah Court. Ensure you park in designated areas only and do not block driveways or park illegally.
Safety: For the safety of our students, please do not drop students off in Piper Crescent. (All students are to be dropped off at the basketball court.)

Collection: Foundation to Year 6 students are collected from 3:20 pm.

  • Foundation to Year 2: Students and their older siblings will assemble in front of Reception for collection. Parents enter from Piper Crescent and form two queues past the ECC zone. Please remain in your vehicle as staff will escort children directly to you.
  • Year 3 to Year 6: Students are collected from the basketball court. Parents must back in and park on both sides of the basketball court until all spaces are filled. A turning circle will operate once collection commences and the left-hand parking area clears. Follow directions from duty staff to support this procedure (you may initially be queued in Minimbah Court if all spaces on the court are taken).

To ease congestion:

  • Year 3 and Year 4 students should be collected from 3:20 pm.
  • Year 5 and Year 6 students should be collected from 3:30 pm.

Afternoon supervision: For both primary collection zones (basketball court and Reception), supervising staff remain on duty until 3:45 pm. Staggering your arrival time for collection will result in less queuing in both zones and minimize waiting time.


  • Parents, please discuss the drop-off and pick-up arrangements with their children before and after school each day to reassure them of the procedures.
  • Should pick-up arrangements alter during the day, please ensure you contact Reception so that your child/ren is informed of changes.

Drop-off & Pick-up Procedures – ECC Students

Arrival: The ECC commences at 9:00 am, and children should not be dropped off prior as ECC staff require the time before 9:00 am to set up and plan for the day ahead.
Collection: ECC students must be collected from 3:00 pm. Please ensure pick-up is as efficient as possible, as collection for primary students commences at 3:20 pm.

We welcome families to enter ECC during drop off and collection of children.

WS teacher and 2 students