Brian cropped

Those who knew Brian, knew of his convictions regarding life and leadership. As a driving force during Woodleigh School's formative years, he helped to shape what would be known as The Woodleigh Way.

Brian was a realist; perfection was never the goal. Instead, he supported a culture beyond the quick fix. The Woodleigh Way is many things, but it acknowledges the messiness of life. Brian's philosophy revolved around a consistent faith in young people and their ability to learn through challenge. In Brian's view, anything less would be to sell them short. Tom Ryan, a former student turned current teacher at Woodleigh, recalls that he consistently held high expectations for young people, ‘especially when they were challenging.’

Brian valued relationships and took the time to celebrate each student and staff member, acknowledging the commitments and passions that mattered to them. His passing has impacted the Woodleigh community deeply; he mentored many here as Head of the Senior Campus and deputy principal. Glen Ogier, mentored under his leadership, describes Brian as 'honest, caring, supportive, passionate, stoic, and compassionate.' A longstanding member of Woodleigh's community, Craig Azzopardi, reminisces about 'Hendo' as more than just a leader, stating, 'he didn't just impart knowledge; he ingrained values, nurtured development, demonstrated compassion and empathy, and fostered an environment of inclusivity and understanding.' Glen echoes these sentiments, remembering Brian as 'a gentle man among gentlemen,' both in his role as educator and friend.

His legacy lives on in Woodleigh's everyday life, from the renowned 3Rs—respect for self, others, and the environment—to the self-assuredness the community consistently fosters, all testaments to the enduring strength of his philosophies.

'His legacy will endure through all those fortunate enough to have called him teacher, colleague, and friend. He was a gentleman in every sense. He will be sorely missed,' remarked Tom Ryan.

Let us nurture the spirit he championed—one that believes in every individual and reminds us of the wise, the wonderful, The Woodleigh Way. 

Vale Brian Henderson

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