IMG 7958

Medieval Day 

By the Grace of Sir Thomas of the House of Ryan, the Day of Medieval Festivities in the Kingdom of Wood-leigh was most splendid.

Until the next year doth come.

Future Worlds; Physics

Year 10 students are exploring Light and Heat in Physics, the nature of light as a wave by calculating angles, indexes and the speed of light in various transparent substances. 
Additionally, they investigated mechanical waves by measuring their key features and introducing the wave equation.

With written analyses, Optical Posters and presentations, these explorations deepen their knowledge and hone their analytical and communication skills.

Doppler effect
Student work: Doppler Effect
Vision correction
Student work: How glasses correct vision

Year 6s in Canberra: Take 1 

Canberra, whose name is believed to derive from the Ngunnawal word meaning 'meeting place' was explored by Minimbah's Year 6s this week. 
The Parliament (National) Triangle represents democracy in Australia, where everyone gets a voice. The triangle is an equilateral triangle representing in Australia everyone’s equal.
— Billy, Year 6
IMG 7907
The National Triangle

Colour Investigation

Imagine if every day felt like your birthday. For our 4-year-olds, it does—colour investigations. Translation, best day ever. 
Best day everrrr

Activities Program

A quick glimpse into the Activities Program. To new skills and new friends. Rest assured, they hit the books just as hard. 

Minimbah Mini Library

We can't wait to see this come to fruition. Year 3s at Minimbah are in early discussions about publishing mini-books of their own work. Oh, to be in Year 3 again.
Clapham Publishing House

Inside the classrooom

Mathematics helps us navigate our daily lives, and our Year 3 and 4 students at Penbank have been exploring how valuable that is.

Telling the time helps us manage ourselves. Making reasonable estimations helps us with quick mental equations, problem-solving and logical thinking. 

So, how much can you achieve in 60 seconds? Do you know that around the earth, 1000kgs of popcorn is eaten every minute?

1000kgs? Crazy talk

Morning Meeting 

Music and maths (and not just any maths, Persian and Babylonian Number systems, thankyou), and farewell and good luck to our beloved Lizzie. See you soon! 

Bringing language to life. 

Language acquisition is a big part of the culture at Penbank Campus. Dance brought language to life this week. Movement, dress, music and language, the pieces fit together like a puzzle.

New Wave 25

Sophie Matthews’ artwork is the key piece for the opening of ‘New Wave’ - the opening will be in a few weeks. New Wave 25 showcases the works of VCE and VCE VET art, visual art, media arts, fashion, design and technology students within the Mornington Peninsula Shire. Stay tuned for more information! Go Sophie. 
Matthews sophie
Sophie Matthews, OH MY GOD, I'M ON FIRE! But you look totally fine? Etched photograph.
Until we go Around the Grounds next week...
Untitled 03325
Charlotte Lance

Woodleigh Bio

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