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Summer Days

It's autumn, but look – it's been pretend summer all week for our campers. 
Torquay, Cape Paterson, Inverloch, Anglesea and Queenscliff, Narooma, Sapphire Coast, Three Capes Walk, West Coast Golf Tour, Adelaide Arts Festival and Outward Bound.
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Just another summer holiday, really.
Adelaide Arts Festival

A group from Senior Homestead visited the Jam Factory and South Australian Art Gallery and met dancers and choreographers from the performance of One Single Action in an Ocean of Everything. 
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Bunjil Concert

Monday's concert at Penbank made our hearts sing.
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Year 6 at Minimbah

A group of Year 6s spoke about what it means to be a good leader.
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Big thinking

To lead others, not because you want to succeed, but because you want others to succeed. 

— Ben T

By not telling them the answers for work, but helping them understand. Or if someone is hurt, you don’t yell at the person that did it, you ask them to be more respectful and take notice, in a calm manner. 

— Ike L
Speaking of Leadership...

Prep and Year 6 Buddies. I mean, look.
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Who's having more fun?

Penbank 4-Year-Old ECC 

Our 4-Year-Old ECC cohort had their first bush kinder adventure for the year. Problem-solving, risk-taking, developing resilience and nurturing wellbeing are some benefits 

I always want to come to this school forever.

— Ray

I love you Tracy because you’re like my mum here.

— William

Minimbah 3-Year-Old ECC

Being three is so good. 
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Having a chat
In the classroom at Penbank.
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In the Art Room

Self-portraits are underway. To be displayed at the Minimbah Fair.
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Self portrait mosaic
Until we go Around the Grounds next week...
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Charlotte Lance

Woodleigh Bio

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A Regenerative Future Futures Studio Open House

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