Around the Grounds

Penbank's Year 5s went to the NGV to see the Yayoi Kusamo exhibit. They were inspired by the original work, made memories and basically, had a really good time.
Yayoi Kusamo’s artwork really got to me, I could relate to her paintings.
I like her work because here idea of using dots really inspires me.
At the NGV
Kitchen Garden and Food Cubes
Minimbah's Years 3 and 4 have been part of the Kitchen Garden Design Build process and the assembly of the Food Cubes. Once they're levelled and the water tanks are functioning, they can start growing veggies!

Penbank ECC
Who invited the critters to school?

Reptile Encounters
Minimbah Activities Program
It all begins at Minimbah, balloting to try new things through the Activities Program. Unit 1 kicked off with a group at Bayside Rock, instructed, harnessed, the mixed bag of beginners and experienced climbers took to the challenge like pros.
Eat Up
1000 cheese sandwiches prepared, packed and delivered to local kids who go to school without lunch. Twice a term in the Senior Campus Food Tech kitchen. Lunchtime, be there.

Wilsons Prom
Penbank Year 5s were in and around Norman Bay last week, setting the pace for their friends at Minimbah to follow this week. Captain Pete McGettigan has surfed the bay, scaled Oberon Peak and walked the beach that squeaks.

Open House
Thank you to everyone for last Saturday's first Open House event – it was a big day. Woodleigh is never short a volunteer (even when it's 39 degrees), which is pretty special. Nice going, team.

Favourite places
Draw your favourite spot at school—actual chickens.

Check ins
Mr Baker has a check-in with a small group of Year 12 students twice per term. In amongst general chat, he asks them two questions; what would you never change about Woodleigh? What would you like to change about Woodleigh?
We'll get back to you with those answers...

Homestead Camp preparation
Tents are in working order and everyone knows how to make pancakes (camping 101). Years 7-12 will be away next week. Good luck, have fun, send photos!

Minimbah Buddies
Who is more difficult to wrangle? A Year 6 or a Preppy? Minimbah's Buddy system will work it out.

Regenerative Futures Program
The dust has settled, and the learning continues. Year 10s are working hard in the Futures Studio. Next week they head off on their Regenerative Retreat. It's the first-ever, so stay tuned for the detailed report.

Penbank and Minimbah
Both Junior Campuses came together to kickstart planning for their end-of-year Exhibition - a big part of the PYP programme.

Cradle Mountain
First camp photos are coming in, annnd that's all we know, for now. Next week will be all about camps, near and far.

Year 9 Art
For their formative art task, Year 9s brought in an item of clothing from home, photographed them and created dry and oil pastel works. MYP Statement of Inquiry 'Understanding aesthetics will inform your style; to represent personal expression through the arts.’
From the Week
Until we go Around the Grounds next week...

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