'This is is a forward-thinking, action-driven approach to education that embodies our core values and prepares students for leadership in an ever-changing world and success in their VCE years and beyond.'

Richard Owens, Woodleigh Institute

Woodleigh's Regenerative Futures Program (RFP) prepares our Year 10s for the challenges of VCE and life beyond school. 

Through academic studies, real-world experiences, and project-based learning, the RFP equips students with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions required for success in VCE and life beyond school. The unique program is designed to provide academic rigour and support personal, social, and emotional development. Through deep learning and real-world engagement, the RFP helps students develop a deeper understanding of who they are, what they value, and how they can make a positive contribution to the world in which they live.



In our ever-changing world, Woodleigh believes that a regenerative culture is essential. 

But what does this mean? At Woodleigh, we believe that a regenerative culture is healthy, resilient, and adaptable. It is a culture grounded in the three Rs – respect for self, others, and the environment. The Year 10 Regenerative Futures Program builds on this understanding and supports students to engage in complex challenges and develop collaborative solutions that contribute to the thriving of people, places, and the planet.

What does the RFP look like?

Future Worlds
Stories of Me, Stories of Place

In Term 1, students will access Interdisciplinary Studies to develop knowledge linking stories of self, culture, and others through Health and Physical Education and the Humanities.

Discoveryday 7 copy
Future Worlds
Regenerative Enterprise

In Term 2, students will focus on regenerative approaches in the workplace in order to encourage innovative and creative thinking in response to changing work futures and the impact of AI and automation.

Green house 3
The Futures Project

The Futures Project takes place in Terms 3 and 4 and continues to support the development of student agency and real-world regenerative impact. Selecting a personal interest, students develop research and investigation skills to find regenerative solutions to real-world issues.