'This is is a forward-thinking, action-driven approach to education that embodies our core values and prepares students for leadership in an ever-changing world and success in their VCE years and beyond.'
Richard Owens, Woodleigh Institute
But what does this mean? At Woodleigh, we believe that a regenerative culture is healthy, resilient, and adaptable. It is a culture grounded in the three Rs – respect for self, others, and the environment. The Year 10 Regenerative Futures Program builds on this understanding and supports students to engage in complex challenges and develop collaborative solutions that contribute to the thriving of people, places, and the planet.
In Term 1, students will access Interdisciplinary Studies to develop knowledge linking stories of self, culture, and others through Health and Physical Education and the Humanities.
Disciplinary Studies
At Year 10 all students study English and Mathematics as core disciplinary studies for the duration of the year. A science elective option is also a required element of the program. They are also required to complete a unit of both Humanities and Health & Physical Education.
Student can also choose disciplinary based electives options including access to Accelerated subjects.
Interdisciplinary Studies
A key element in the RFP is the deliberate design of Interdisciplinary Studies, which provide access to multi-disciplinary units with a focus on regenerative concepts and thinking styles. All students take part in the Interdisciplinary Studies as part of the capability and knowledge building within Year 10.
Project-Based Learning
Project-based learning practices link firmly with Woodleigh’s values, allowing for rigorous academic approaches that are fuelled by personalised passions and approaches.